Psychological Services Bureau, Inc.


    …but first, you are probably wondering why you are being asked to take a test.  The use of psychological tests in the selection process is intended to be as useful and beneficial to you as to the institution to which are seeking admission.  Your abilities and talents will not be properly and fully utilized if you find yourself in a program for which you may be reasonably well-suited, but one that does not make full use of your unique abilities and talents.  Then, too, your education, training, and experience may not be compatible with that required by a specific program, but quite harmonious with many other education programs or vocations. Tests are designed to assist in selecting and placing you in situations where you can make maximum use of your resources.  The results obtained from psychological tests may be used as a tool or device to help you determine your unique, individual potential. Your acceptance and positive utilization of this information can lead to a happy, productive, and satisfying training, and subsequent, work experience.

General Tips

1. The lack of adequate rest the night before will affect test-taking efficiency.

2. You should report illness, excessive fatigue, or any other conditions that would be a hindrance, to the test administrator prior to beginning the test.

3. Try to relax, too much worry and anxiety is neither necessary nor helpful. 

4. Mobilize your self-confidence…be positive…your attitude is important.

5. Take care of any personal needs before the testing begins.

Specific Tips

1. Listen carefully to the oral directions that are given to you.

2. Read the “General Instructions” carefully and follow them exactly.

3. The directions are quite simple and should be read quickly.  Make sure that you understand the instructions given on how to complete each part of the examination.

4. Plan for maximum use of the time allotted for each part of the examination.  Read the questions carefully. Work rapidly, answer as many questions as possible during the allotted time.

5. There is no penalty for skipping a question.  While the test questions are arranged in order of difficulty, you may find some of the earlier questions more difficult for you than some later ones.  Do not waste time puzzling over a difficult question. If there is time left, you may go back, within the same section of the test, and finish any questions. 

6. Indiscriminate guessing does not pay off.  An educated and reasoned guess may be worthwhile, however, random guessing is not recommended.

7. If you change an answer to a question, be sure the change is justified.  

(This is a reprint from the Psychological Services Bureau, Inc. handout.)

Math Competency Testing

This is a screening test to identify basic math skills.  The test includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions and decimals plus working with percentages.  This test identifies persons needing additional math instruction.

Description of Pre-Entrance Test

    The Psychological Services Bureau Pre-Entrance Examination is designed to measure life learning as appropriate to the field of nursing.  Generally, this is considered to be the kind of test that does not require specific study before completing it. The segments of the test include vocabulary, spelling, arithmetic, comparison of shapes, natural sciences (which is very general and also very broad), reading and comprehension, and vocational opinions “nursing”.  Your test is sent out for correction and results are returned to the school within 10-14 days with the score you achieved, and a comparison of your results to others who have taken the test.

To help you prepare you for the examination, a book is available online through Amazon.com. The title is Nursing School & Allied Health Entrance Exam by Marion Gooding.  The ISBN for this title is 0768918391.


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Clarion County Career Center