Clarion County Career Center

(814) 226-4391

447 Career Lane Shippenville PA 16254


Mission Statement

The mission of the Clarion County Career Center is to provide a superior hands-on, technical education that promotes core academic skills, teamwork and professionalism which empowers our students to become productive members of an ever-changing global economy. Through the expertise and commitment of our staff, the students will be equipped with the tools necessary to develop a strong work ethic fostering leadership and a commitment to personal growth.

In concurrence with this mission, the Practical Nursing Program at the Clarion County Career Center prepares graduates to sit for the practical nursing licensing examination and to function as a Licensed Practical Nurse administering direct health care to individuals in a variety of settings under the supervision of a licensed professional nurse, licensed physician, or licensed dentist.  

Administrative Policies

The Practical Nursing Program of the Clarion County Career Center reserves the right to make such changes in its educational and administrative policies or financial requirements as deemed advisable.  

It also reserves the right to possibly dismiss any student from the program for the following reasons: 

  • Repeated failure to abide by the school rules and regulations

  • Failure to meet the minimum requirements in classroom work, clinical work, or personal behavior

  • Furnishing false information on application or health status

  • Cheating

  • Excessive absenteeism or tardiness

  • Violation of the Drug & Alcohol Policy 

  • Illegal drug or alcohol use

  • Positive drug or alcohol screen 

  • Violation of the clinical agencies' policies & procedures


​Having successfully met the criteria for completion of the curriculum, graduates of the Practical Nursing Program at the Clarion County Career Center are able to: 

  • Apply nursing and scientific principles to provide safe, direct care in various health care settings within the scope of practice.  

  • Utilize the nursing process to plan and provide care that is appropriate to specific client needs, levels of health, family dysfunction and stage of life. 

  • Utilize purposeful communication to promote therapeutic outcome and optimal client health.

  • Function in a manner that reflects understanding of ethical conduct, personal responsibility, and accountability for behaviors and actions. 

  • Function appropriately in passing medications.

  • Demonstrate understanding of basic medications.

  • Exhibit cultural competence in care of clients.

  • Meet minimal performance expectations of comprehensively stated National League for Nursing publication "Entry-Level Competencies of Graduates of Educational Programs in Practical Nursing."  


The practical nursing faculty accepts the philosophy of the Clarion County Career Center and has developed a philosophy for the practical nursing program which is consistent with and built upon the philosophy of the parent institution. 

Nursing is a profession that emphasizes the caring process involving the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health for individuals through their life cycle.  The foundation of all nursing practice is scientific principles and theories that support the uniqueness of the individual.  The nursing process provides the mechanism by which nurses assist individuals, healthy or ill, in meeting needs that would be performed had they the strength, will or knowledge. 

Practical nursing is an integral part of the nursing profession and has a unique discipline of practice.  It emphasizes proficiency in basic nursing skills and techniques applied to the care of individuals and families in structured settings.  Practical nurses utilize basic communication techniques in applying the nursing process to their scope of practice.  Within this framework, practical nurses are responsible and accountable to the consumer, employer and profession for providing quality nursing care.  

An individual is a rational being who is capable of making decisions and accepting consequences for those decisions.  Each individual is an integrated whole consisting of human needs that are unique to the self.  The individual is responsible for their own well being and must make choices that affect one's health status.  As a social being, the individual is constantly interacting with and adapting to the environment.  

Society encompasses individual, families and communities and is ever changing.  As such, it impacts on individual well-being and personal development.  Society is the interaction of individuals that establish norms, values and codes of conduct organized for the survival of its members.  Diversity incorporates culturally and linguistically appropriate access to nursing care for all, unrestricted by considerations of gender, age, socioeconomic class, religious belief, sexual orientation, and physical disabilities, as well as race and ethnicity.  

Health is a dynamic process that is based upon individual perception.  Each individual possesses strengths, weaknesses and behaviors that influence placement of the health-illness continuum.  The individual's belief system establishes the foundation for independent living, adaptation to imposed limitations, and ability to cope with the usual stresses of every day living.  Most individuals/families require a degree of assistance with health care at some point in their life cycle.  

Education is a dynamic process in which knowledge is given and/or received through open communication among individuals.  It is a lifelong process in which the individual utilizes creativity, exploration and freedom of discovery for goal attainment.  The purpose of the education process is to foster growth by affecting a change in the behavior and/or attitude of the learner.  Nursing education provides the basis for implementation of the nursing process in the care of selected individuals within the health care delivery system.  Application of critical thinking is emphasized to maximize the educational outcome.  

The teaching-learning process requires the active involvement of both the teacher and the learner.  In this process, the teacher serves as the facilitator of learning and the learner accepts responsibility for individual education outcome.  The desired outcome of the teaching-learning process is best accomplished in a nurturing environment utilizing positive reinforcement to change the learner's progress in meeting established goals through communication with the teacher and through self-evaluation.  

Evidence-based nursing practices are embraced.  We are committed to improving education and the quality of care by assuring that individuals and families receive nursing care which has been demonstrated by research to improve outcomes.  

We, the practical nursing faculty, believe that there is a need for nonprofessional health care provides who have competency in performing nursing skills and techniques.  The program is designed so that learning progresses from the simple to the complex and builds upon knowledge.  We teach the individual to function within the legal and ethical scope of practice under the supervision of a licensed professional nurse, licensed physician or licensed dentist.  The faculty is committed to the concept that continuing education is necessary for professional growth and maintenance of currency in nursing practice of both faculty and graduates.  

Clarion County Career Center

Practical Nursing Program